Top 5 cigar humidors for cigar enthusiasts

Humidores para aficionados

The best choice of our Wacota cigar humidors

Every good cigar enthusiast knows that in order to enjoy these products to the fullest, they must be kept in the correct conditions. The characteristics that make up cigars – especially the aromas and scents that they give off – can be lost if  they are not kept in the ideal conditions. So, how should they be kept at home? There’s no better way to preserve cigars at their highest quality than inside a cigar humidor.

To maintain perfection, cigars must be kept at specific levels of temperature and humidity that our homes just do not usually have. Many factors can contribute to the spoiling of cigars in our homes. The main causes are central heating, which raises the temperature of the home and dries the environment (and therefore the cigars) and air conditioning, which again dries the environment and absorbs moisture from the room.

The ideal way to keep cigars from losing their unique features is to store them at a temperature between 16-18 degrees Celsius. Although, this variable is not as critical as humidity, which should range between 65 and 72 percent.

So, once you have mastered everything related to the elements of cigars and the art of smoking, you have to know how to choose the perfect humidor to keep them in. Something important to consider is that it is best to opt for a humidor with an interior lined with cedar wood. This is one of the best woods to preserve the quality and characteristics of cigars.

Selection of five best humidifiers for the hobbyists

From our selection of Wacota Cigar Humidors, we have compiled a selection of five cigar humidors for both experienced enthusuasts and those who are just starting out in the world of the cigars:

  • Príncipe Model: the dimensions (30x22x10 centimeters) of this tabletop humidor allows for the storage of upto 65 assorted cigars. Its interior is made of cedar wood, while its exterior is varnished in mahogany. To ensure that the conditions are ideal for cigars, it has a humidifier with a removable magnet and an analog hygrometer that can be calibrated. It is a perfect humidor for those who start to store their cigars.

Humidor modelo Príncipe

  • Exquisito Model Mahogany: With  (65x23x13 centimeters), this tabletop humidor also holds upto 65 assorted cigars. the exterior can be customized with the finish and is made with cedar wood inside. It also has a humidifier with a magnet and a hygrometer.


  • Presidente Model: Due to its large amount of cedar, this humidor for personal use is a good choice for big enthusiasts. It has a capacity to hold eight boxes and up to 100 assorted cigars. In this case, the humidification can be by means of a tray with a sponge at the bottom, or electronically thanks to our CigarSpa. The hygrometer is analog and can be calibrated. The interior, made of cedar, has a shelf to store boxes and in this case, there is a range of exterior finishes to choose from. You can choose mahogany, black lacquered, cherry, walnut, bubinga and oak root varnish. Our Presidente Cristal is the same model as the Presidente with the only difference being that it has a glass top, which allows you to see the inside of the upper tray. It also has glass on the front door to see inside where there is space to locate the boxes.

  • Berlín Model: Like the Presidente model, this model, within its range, is the best option for the more avid collector. Larger than the previous ones, it is perfect for storing up to 30 boxes of cigars. It also has the option to choose the type of finish from our selection: mahogany varnished, black lacquered, cherry, walnut, bubinga and oak root. The interior is, like the others, made from cedar wood. It has a shelf to store boxes and a drawer with a tray for loose cigars. Humidity can be created naturally – using a sponge tray – or you can opt for the CigarSpa. The hygrometer is analog and can be calibrated.

Humidor modelo Berlín

  • Estoril Model: This humidor holds 30 boxes and 100 assorted cigars. The exterior can be stained in the finish of your choice from our collection: mahogany, black or white lacquered, cherry, walnut or bubinga. It’s the interior is made of cedar wood. You can also choose between natural humidification (a tray with a sponge) or electronic (theCigarSpa system).

Humidor modelo EstorilAnd how do you place the cigars in the humidor? Since cigars must be acclimatized to the conditions of the humidor, our best advice is to clearly differentiate between the cigars that have been in the humidor for a long time from those that we just bought, and organize them according to this. Rotation is essential to maintain the properties of cigars.

If you want to go one step further, you can also check out our 5 best humidifiers for professionals.

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