The cigar cellars allow you to store a large quantity of cigars in an elegant space with a lot of visibility
Cigar cellars are like works of art. They are the Sistine Chapel of the humidor world. Not only will you find the same great quality of materials and finishes that we use in cigar humidors, but also being so large, you can also play more with creativity, design and the integration of additional elements, such as ambient light.
As with the humidors for cigars, the cigar cellars are devices for preserving them. Therefore, they are thought and designed to keep large quantities of cigars in optimal conditions for their preservation and aging, without losing their qualities.
In his case, the cigar cellars need large spaces to place them. They are giant humidors designed for tobacco shops, restaurants, hotels or smoking clubs, for example. We can also manufacture them for consumers, but they must have enough space for their location.
Cedar wood inside the cellars
In the same way that we cover the interior of the humidor with cedar, we also use this type of wood in the interior and the trays of the cigar cellars. The reason, as we have explained on previous occasions, is that the characteristics of this type of wood (‘Cedrela odorata’) are ideal for the preservation of cigars.
In short, Spanish cedar – which despite its name is a tropical wood – is a good moisture absorber. Thus, it keeps humidity under control, preventing cigars from both drying out and getting too wet. In addition, it is a fragrant wood that adds aroma to cigars. Its resin also makes it perfect to combat the attack of fungi and insects.
Remember: You can automate the task of maintaining your cigars with an HR6 cigar humidifier.
As for the exteriors or finishes of the cigar cellars, there is a wide range of possibilities. The exterior and / or the profiles can be done in mahogany, bubinga, cherry, walnut, oak or lacquered in black, white or other colors. In addition, we adapt to the available space: we cover the space with wood or create the necessary partitions, as well as the ceiling, floor and doors that are required to store the cigars in a cellar.
Regarding humidity, all our cigar cellars are managed with a modern electronic humidification system. In addition, we can illuminate the trays with an LED light integrated in the shelf. The LED light is the one that produces the least heat so as not to alter the characteristics of the cigars.
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